
Hello, Welcome to the sims poke-farm. Basically these are all pet pokemon made for the sims. They walk around and you can pet them and the eat and.... leave little suprises. They where all made by me, W. Smaz, and my sister, Tenera. If you need any help you can mail me at smaz123@home.com. Also, i hope you like them.

All these little guys where transmogrified from the wonderful simsplus piggy. thats www.simsplus.com. Check it out, they are great.

Enjoy. :)



I Have Updated the site... and made it more easily viewable, because freeservers keeps messing it up with there banners. You might notice the five year gap in the news update. Its been a while, its great people are still using the site. Im not sure how well the objects work with the new versions of the sims. I hope people are still getting some enjoyment out of them.


Hello, okay, well i have plenty of pokemon pets now i think, although i prolly well make a few more soon enouph. Anyway, Todays update is from princess mononoke, my personal favorite when it comes to anime movies. He is a kodama pet. The little white forest guys that wiggle their heads. Hes different from the pokemon though. Check it out.


Well, this site is now a member of the CSN, and its also been drastically updated. With my growing number of objects, and... so forth, ive taken away the normal Download thing, and put in its own page. personally i dont think it looks as cool. however, its a lot easier to DL from and everything. Well, hope you like it. Oh and now there is a togepi. everyone likes togepi. Ive gotten a lot of requests for skins as well. Well, i dont know how to make my own skin meshes, however, there are some poekmon skins at another site on the network, i cant remember it, however, im goin ta see if they will let me host there skins. 8)


Hello, i just finished the poke-easel, now when you go to paint, you will get to draw snorlax, lugia, lickytongue, and mr. mime when you go to paint.


Oppssssss!!!!! I put up the new download bar, but i forgot to put in the links, so anyone who visited my site yesterday prolly thought i was an idiot. so no its all workin. Sorry!!


Hello, okay all i ever see in the sims chat room is people looking for cheats. so I made my own cheats page. It has lots of cheats. Hope you all like it.


Ive contacted all the best in terms of sim sites, and asked the to put links up. Also ive finished the banner. So hopefully ill be getting lots of visiters soon. Erm, also, this is the first official day of being open, cause i just finished it. Enjoy.

Also, we finally got some new poke-pellets, and im proud to say that they wherent done by me. The credit for poke-pellets two goes to Dave. thanx Dave.


Poke-Sims ©2002. A Handyspoon Productions Website.


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